m 毫 10^-3
μ 微 10^-6
n 纳 10^-9
p 皮 10^-12
f 费 10^-15
FeynHiggs is a Fortran code for the diagrammatic calculation of the masses, mixings and much more of the Higgs bosons in the MSSM at the two-loop level.
MadGraph / MadEvent is a software that allows you to generate amplitudes and events for any process (with up to 9 external particles) in any model. Implemented models are the Standard Model, Higgs effective couplings, MSSM, the general Two Higgs doublet model, and several minor models, and there is an easy-to-use interface for implementing model extensions. In connection with MG/ME there is also a range of tools, including a Pythia and PGS (detector simulation) package, a Root event analysis package, plotting packages, interfaces to other generators and file converters.
FeynCalc is a Mathematica package for algebraic calculations in elementary particle physics. http://www.feyncalc.org/
CalcHEP - a package for calculation of Feynman diagrams and integration over multi-particle phase space.
CompHEP: a package for evaluation of Feynman diagrams, integration over multi-particle phase space and event generation
Pythia8-0 安装
1、下载 pythia8xxx.tgz
tar xvfz pythia8xxx.tgz
cd pythiaxxx
./configure ...
• htmldoc/pythia8100.pdf: A Brief Introduction
• htmldoc/Welcome.html: The full manual
• examples/mainNN.cc: sample main programs: standalone, link to libraries, semi-internal processes, . . .
• Worksheet: step-by-step instructions and exercises how to write and run a main program
make mainNN ./mainNN.exe > outfile
Pythia8-4 Settings and Particle Data
1、设置 setting 和 particle data: pythia.readString(string);
string 的格式有两种,Settings 和 particle data,
task:property = value
particle data:
id:property = value
id:channel:property = value
2、显示 setting 和 particle data:
pythia.settings.listAll(); // complete list pythia.settings.listChanged(); // only changed ones
pythia.particleData.listAll(); // complete list pythia.particleData.listChanged(); // only changed ones pythia.particleData.list(id); // only one (or vector)
Pythia8-2 output
生成的结果可以用 pythia.event 和 pythia.process 查看。
1、mypythia.event is a vector (or a list) of Particle object.
mypythia.event.size(); // 0 < i < event.size(). mypythia.event.list(); // provide event listing. mypythia.event.list(ostream& os); // 输出 list mypythia.event.list(bool showScaleAndVertex, bool showMothersAndDaughters = false); mypythia.event.list(bool showScaleAndVertex, bool showMothersAndDaughters, ostream& os); // showScaleAndVertex: 显示每个量单位 // os (default = cout) ostream 的引用 mypythia.event.motherList(i), daughterList(i), sisterList(); // a vector<int> of mothers, daughters, sisters. mypythia.event.iTopCopy(i), iBotCopy(i); // top or bottom “carbon copy”.
2、mypythia.process: hard subprocess, roughly like Les Houches
pythia.process.list() 的结果:
3、pythia.statistics() 统计各个过程的截面以及程序过程中的问题。
mypythia.statistics(); mypythia.statistics(bool all = false, bool reset = false); //