
mayflowers posted @ 2011年3月16日 12:35 in HEP with tags HEP CompHEP , 1914 阅读

CompHEP: a package for evaluation of Feynman diagrams, integration over multi-particle phase space and event generation

1. Web Site:

2. tar xzvf comphep-4.5.1.tgz

3. confige

./configure  for gcc-3.x with g77

./configure --with-gcc4  for gcc-4.x and gfortran 

./configure edit F77 (gfortran -> gcc) and FORLIB (remove -lgfortran) for gcc-4.x and g77

set ROOTSYS=/usr; export $ROOTSYS
set LHAPDFPATH=/usr/local; export $LHAPDF
./configure --with--gcc4 --with-m64 --with-lhapdf --with-root

如果 root 是 yum install root 安装的话, ROOTSYS 就是 /usr, 另外可能会有些包没有安装比如 lPhysics, lPostscript. yum install root-lPhysics 

LHAPDF 默认安装在 /usr/local.

4. make

5. set up

make setup WDIR=<Work_Dir>
cd <WDIR>

6. Error


n_compile 时的出现 link 错误, 终端提示:
Makefile:23: *** 遗漏分隔符 。 停止。

将 ./results/Makefile 23 
echo F_TARGET=${F_TARGET} 注释掉


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2021年9月18日 13:07

The most frequent and simple floor washing tip will be, use h2o and vinegar to completely clean your flooring. Mix the particular distilled h2o and vinegar in the proper proportion and blend it appropriately. If you need, you also can use a couple of drops of acrylic. It disinfects the floor and also brings an all-natural shine with it.

Junior Dakhil Result 说:
2022年9月07日 01:04

Bangladesh Education Board DPE has conducted the class 8th grade of Junior School Certificate Exam and Junior Dakhil Certificate Exam on 1st to 15th November 2022 at all centers in division wise under Ministry of Primary and Mass Education (MOPME), and the class 8th grade terminal examination tests are successfully conducted for all eligible JSC/JDC students for the academic year of 2022. <a href="">Junior Dakhil Result</a> The Bangladesh government Minister of Secondary Education is going to announce the JSC Result 2022 in student wise for division students in education board wise, and the result documents will be submitted to the Prime Minister of the country after then the result with mark sheet will be announced to public to check the individual result.

GSEB STD-4 Question 说:
2022年9月12日 18:55

GSEB STD-4 Model Paper 2023 Pdf Download for Gujarat State Elementary Level Primary School 4th Class Question Paper Pdf with Answers for Gujarati Medium, Hindi Medium, English Medium & Urdu Medium Students of Gandhinagar Board at GSEB STD-4 Question Paper. Subject experts of the state and teaching staff of private schools have prepared and suggested the GSEB STD-4 Model Paper 2023 Pdf for Part-A, Part-B, Part-C and Part-D exams. Set wide solved question paper suggested as Gujarat Board 4th Class Model Paper 2023.

horario militar 说:
2023年7月27日 22:26

La hora militar, también conocida como hora de 24 horas, es un sistema utilizado para expresar la hora de forma clara y coherente. Es ampliamente utilizado por el ejército, así como en varios campos, como la aviación, la atención médica y los servicios de emergencia. horario militar En horario militar, el día se divide en 24 horas, comenzando desde la medianoche (00:00) y continuando hasta la medianoche siguiente. Cada hora está representada por un número de dos dígitos, que va del 00 al 23. Esto elimina la necesidad de designaciones como “am” y “pm” que se usan en el sistema de reloj civil de 12 horas.

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