







Pythia8-2 output
posted @ 2010年7月15日 00:22
in HEP
, 1723 阅读
生成的结果可以用 pythia.event 和 pythia.process 查看。
1、mypythia.event is a vector (or a list) of Particle object.
mypythia.event.size(); // 0 < i < event.size(). mypythia.event.list(); // provide event listing. mypythia.event.list(ostream& os); // 输出 list mypythia.event.list(bool showScaleAndVertex, bool showMothersAndDaughters = false); mypythia.event.list(bool showScaleAndVertex, bool showMothersAndDaughters, ostream& os); // showScaleAndVertex: 显示每个量单位 // os (default = cout) ostream 的引用 mypythia.event.motherList(i), daughterList(i), sisterList(); // a vector<int> of mothers, daughters, sisters. mypythia.event.iTopCopy(i), iBotCopy(i); // top or bottom “carbon copy”.
2、mypythia.process: hard subprocess, roughly like Les Houches
pythia.process.list() 的结果:
3、pythia.statistics() 统计各个过程的截面以及程序过程中的问题。
mypythia.statistics(); mypythia.statistics(bool all = false, bool reset = false); //
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